YMCC Fee Structure 2025
There has been a lot work put into the fee structure area by Committee, being mindful of the economic stresses in the family budget. The Committee have had to increase the fees for the 2025 season as operational costs of operating the club has increased this season.
The Hockey Australia levy and the Pinpayment fees that are paid on registration, are paid directly to those organisations and are standard throughout all hockey clubs in Australia. They do not come through to the Club.
The following fees for the season do not include the Hockey Australia capitation fee (Juniors J5/6 to J11/12 $56.81, Sub-juniors J1/2, J3/4 and Minkey $22.81 and Seniors and Masters $68.79). This fee must be paid at the time of registration.
Minkey - $150
- Shooting Stars - $150
J1/2 - $200
J3/4 - $200
Note: The above DOES includes the YMCC Junior Levy for J1/2 through to J11/12. The junior levy covers the cost of junior social activities and any junior expenses outside of game and training costs.
The players selected in the J11/12 Division 1 and J9/10 Division 1 teams will also be invoiced $50.00 to cover umpires which are invoiced to the Club.
Turf - $650.00 (Premier grade players will be invoiced an additional levy of $100 which is to offset the cost of umpires, match TO's, additional training turf hire etc.)
- Student Turf U/23 - $500.00
- Student Turf U/19 - $500.00
Student Grass U/23 - $400.00
Grass (Metropolitan and Weekend Masters) - $500.00
- Midweek Masters - $500.00
- Midweek Masters and weekend turf/grass - $725.00
Goalkeeper (with own equipment) 50% of Grade fee
Juniors Playing Seniors $725.00
The U/18 fee applies where:
A member is eligible to play Juniors but plays in an additional Senior team as well as a Junior team, and both teams require equal commitment. If there is any doubt, consideration is given to number of games played and training commitments.
Goalkeepers that provide all of their own equipment will pay 50% of the applicable fee.
Coaching discounts
Members that coach a Junior or Senior Team will have their fees reduced by 80%, and if the responsibility is shared the benefit is shared.
Representative Players (HAHPP)
Members who are named in the Senior Australian squad or the Seniors Development squad, as named by Hockey Australia selectors, will have their fees waived. AIS scholarship holders that are drafted to the club will also have their fees waived.